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Sundays | 9:40AM

Becoming Catholic is a Prince of Peace adult formation program which may lead to initiation into the Catholic Church. After successfully completing the program, adults may be Baptized and/or Confirmed and received into full communion with the Catholic Church. We warmly welcome those who already feel called to become Catholic, as well as those who are interested in learning more about the Catholic faith but who have not decided whether to join the Catholic Church. It is also an opportunity for confirmed Catholics–or anyone–to learn more about the Catholic faith. All are welcome!


Click HERE to learn more about Mark Christian

More is required of participants than attending classes. During the formation period, participants read and view assigned material, spend time in prayer, and complete occasional reflections. On Sunday mornings, 9:40am-10:50am, we meet to discuss assignments, have conversations, pose questions, and share information about the faith. The core program is typically about 14 weeks long, typically includes at least 12 in-person meetings, and is currently offered twice per year, January-April/May, and August-December. Those with little or no prior Christian affiliation and/or education may be required continue their formation beyond the 14-week period through a customized program of self-study. The timing for being received into the Church differs from person to person, and we will discuss this further in class.


“Becoming Catholic” is a blended study program. Participants, on their own time, read and view assigned materials. This includes a book that presents the fundamentals of Catholicism (We are currently using Edward Sri's, Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained), supplemented by videos on Participants, during each week, should spend time in prayer, and prepare occasional reflections, which are shared with the program coordinator. Journal entries are typically 150-300 words.


On Sundays, 9:40am-10:50am, participants meet in person. These live meetings allow us to teach and learn, discuss assignments, have conversations, and pose questions.


Interested persons, or those with questions, should email the program coordinator Mark Christian.



Once you are registered, the program coordinator will get in touch with you. As appropriate, 

we will offer some customization of the program, based upon your history of involvement in Christian worship. ​


  • All participants must commit to attending Sunday morning meetings and to take responsibility for study, prayer, and submitting occasional reflections. (We understand that absences from these Sunday meetings will sometimes occur.) Our team is aware that some individuals have difficulties reading, studying, and writing due to learning differences. We are committed to working with such individuals so that they may complete the program. If these difficulties exist for anyone enrolling in the program, please contact coordinator Mark Christian to confidentially discuss and develop an alternate method of participating.


  • Participate in parish life at Prince of Peace. Mass attendance is essential and those who are not already attending Mass should begin once enrolled in the program (in advance of starting the program.) Members of our team would be happy to meet with you at Mass and sit with you if you would like. We want you to feel welcome!


  • Complete a 14-week formation period. Requirements include, but are not limited to

    • Completing weekly assignments (reading and videos)

    • Writing occasional reflections as evidence of engagement (we provide alternatives for candidates who struggle to write.) 

    • Spending time weekly in prayer

    • Attending Sunday morning meetings. 

    • Request, in writing, their desire to receive the Sacraments of Initiation



Sample topics in our 14-week series:

  • Introduction, Orientation, the Creed

  • Scripture and Teaching Tradition

  • The Sacraments of the Church

  • Catholic Morality and Contemporary Issues in Catholicism

  • Participation in Parish Life

  • Catholic Traditions (Mary & the Saints, Prayer)

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